Chinese Pattern Frame

Chinese Pattern Picture Frame


The Chinese pattern was described in Tiffany Studios price lists as being adaptations of designs found on ancient Chinese ritual vessels  This gilt-bronze frame in excellent condition is a rarity, and makes a stong additon to the Chinese Desk Set, or as a stand alone collectable. Stamped: TIFFANY STUDIOS/NEW YORK/1761. Height: 9". Width: 7".

Price: Inquire at, or call (914) 686-8147.


Holland, WIlliam. TIffany Desk Sets. Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., PA. 2008. p.137, fig.8-15.

Kemeny, George & Miller, Donald.  Tiffany Desk Treasures: A Collectors Guide. Hudson Hills Press, NY. 2001. pps.61-64.