Tiffany Studios Picture Frame

Art Nouveau Picture Frame

Art Nouveau Picture Frame


A decorative gilt bronze picture frame with ornamentation reminiscent of the Louis XVI Tiffany Studios Desk Set pattern.  This has also been referred to as being the "Art Nouveau Frame", and described as having French Ornamentation.  Back panel stamped: TIFFANY STUDIOS/NEW YORK/1611. Height: 12". Width: 10".   

Price: Inquire at, or call (914) 686-8147.


Duncan, Alastair. Tiffany Lamps and Metalware: An Illustrated Reference to Over 2000 Models. Antique Collectors' Club, Suffolk. 2007. p.442, fig.1760.

Holland, William. Tiffany Desk Sets. Schiffer Publishing Ltd., PA. 2008. p.172.